
Are you struggling with chemical or alcohol dependency? Or perhaps you are wrestling with a different kind of addiction: pornography, food, sex, spending, gambling, video games, self-abuse.

If so, you know that it can be debilitating, impacting your relationships, work, and health. Left untreated, addiction can destroy relationships, careers, and can even be fatal. There is good news: Your dependency does not define you. Your addiction does not have to be your destiny. It may feel hard to believe, but there is hope.

At the Renewing Life Center, your counselor will get to know you as a person and the life events that have contributed to your current situation. We can help you find a path of healing that leads to wholeness and happiness. Imagine your life free from overwhelming urges, from panicking when you can’t do what you don’t want to do, from hiding and shame, from regret. The Renewing Life Center offers support and treatment for individuals and families impacted by addiction. To learn more or to set up an appointment with a counselor who cares and will help, click below.